Andre Pejic
Martin Cohn
Lea T.
And of course, there's Jenny Shimizu in the list.
Full list at fabricmag.
japanese-american tattooed lesbian mechanic-turned-supermodel-turned-mechanic-turned-modeling agent
Read the full interview on The Imagist.
The original CK 1 stance. I mean has cool ever been this effortless?The blur between boy and's a cyclical obsession that always spins back into currency at least once every decade. Well there's going to be a looooot of that for Spring 2011 which is why TI was inspired to go into the Spur files from December 2009 and pay tribute to the fabulous uniqueness that is Jenny Shimizu via this excerpt. Jenny is now working as an agent at Women Direct and even though I know I'm supposed to be having thoroughly professional conversations with her I can't help being a little bit of a groupie in her presence. I mean has cool ever been this effortless? All hail!
I didn't want to create a T-shirt line and then charge $100 for a T-shirt, which is kind of normal now. I'm down to earth and I wanted it to be about me, too, not a greedy, weird T-shirt line.
I closed the show with Jenny Shimizu, who’s really a muse for me. I love her style. I love what she’s about. She depicts the kind of woman that I am dressing. It’s no frills, no high heels, no beading, no ruffles. That is my motto.
When you think more of "we" than just of "me", the fear goes away.On being a "Japanese, tattooed, lesbian, super-short, mechanic":
You don't need to fit in a mould to be successful.
All together, “Girlfriends” shows Opie continuing to explore the hidden territories behind constructed facades. Looking at her pictures can be uncomfortable, not because of their confrontational content but because they reveal as much about the beholder as the beheld.
I'm quite fond of this sweet, portraiture-driven exhibition. Opie's new body of work, portraits of friends and lovers of the 'butch-dyke' persona, is elevated by an array of square-format b&w prints from her archive, never before printed before now. The latter acts almost diary-like, recalling Opie's ties to the S&M community in LA and San Francisco from the early '90s, and some of its subjects (like the riveting Pig Pen) recur in the new series, nearly 15 years later. Among the portraits include a regal k.d. lang against a Canadian wilderness, Jenny Shimizu in leather on a pristine white-sheeted bed and Idexa, tattooed and barechested, crouching on a rock. But I kept going back to Pig Pen, from her almost waifish figure in '94, wearing a play-piercing 'crown of thorns' for a performance in Mexico City, to her tanned, mature figure in '09, a thorn-wrapped heart tattoo emblazoned on her chest. ( via )